Water features are popular additions to the garden as they add sound, movement and texture. However, they need to be chosen with care, especially if either low maintenance is needed or if children use the garden.
Ponds can provide a natural habitat for wildlife. All living creatures need water to survive but ponds do not need to be deep unless you want to keep fish. Pebble pools with a shallow ‘beach’ provide easy access for frogs and birds.
Waterfalls introduce the sound of water spilling into the pond but again these can be quite simple, even when there is no slope available. A pot turned on its side or a simple bowl will allow for the water to cascade over the side of the pond into the pool.
For families with young children or pets, a pond is not always the best solution. However, you can still have a water feature using a sunken reservoir with a submerged pump that allows the water to flow up and over either a sandstone ball or millstone. The water features are self-contained and all you have to do is top up the reservoir with water.
The water in these features recirculates up the ball or millstone and flows back into the reservoir through a grate. They use little water and don’t tend to attract much bacteria so are easy to keep clean. Pondless water features are also great for families with young children because they don’t pose safety risks.
There are many options available to you if you would like to include a water feature in your garden so please get in touch for a free consultation based on your specific requirements. Either call me either on 07775 611047 or email [email protected].