This was a brand new plot in the centre of Beccles. For many people a brand new garden can seem very daunting – especially one like this which is largely an L shape. The challenge was to integrate the two sides so that the garden flows harmoniously together.
The planting challenge is the soil conditions. In new developments the ground is often very compacted through builder’s machinery and site huts. Also a lot of building material gets buried rather than removed which together results in poor soil and drainage and challenging conditions for planting.
In this garden there was also a lot of fencing that needed screening. A mixture of evergreen and deciduous shrubs were used to provide year-round interest.
The patio is surrounded by flower borders to that they can easily be seen from indoors as we can’t sit in our gardens every day of the year. At the pivotal corner I used Amelanchier trees to create interest and also a seating area.
In the design I had a summer house but when we built the garden we removed the summer house and created a further circular seating area further down the garden. It is important to allow for tweaks in the design, especially with a new build, because often a client’s appreciation of the garden and light levels and how they will use it, changes as they spend longer at their new property.
These photos were all taken just 12 months after the planting had been done and two months after the back lawn had been turfed. Good ground preparation and plenty of watering meant that a beautiful and mature garden was created fairly quickly.
If you need inspiration for the creation of a new garden, please get in touch for a free consultation either by calling 07775 611047 or email [email protected].